How to enable “Night Shift” on iOS 9.3

With the new iOS 9.3 update, Apple introduced a feature called "Night Shift" that makes the colors of your iPhone screen warmer at night, reducing blue light. This can help a lot if you use your iPhone before bed and have trouble sleeping. The warmer colors can help you sleep better. This feature is buried a little bit in the settings, but following these simple…

Which iPod is better, the Nano or the Video?

The wife of one of my best friends sent me this question via email recently, wondering which one she should get her husband for his birthday.

First of all, I applauded her thoughtfulness – I mean, wouldn’t you love to get an iPod for your birthday? My wife gave me a 4GB Black iPod Nano for Christmas a year ago and I still use it every single day. 🙂

The answer of course depends on how your husband will use his new iPod (working out, passing time in rush hour traffic, etc). But I recommended the iPod video because of its large storage size, bright monitor, and highest cool factor.

Here’s the lineup of iPods from Apple, with the pros and cons of each one. As you can see, they range in price and size from small to big. Any of these would make a great gift, but they do have different uses.

  • iPod Shuffle

    Apple StoreThe smalles of iPods, it stores about 240 songs and is great for working out or other activities where you can’t stop to change songs. However, it doesn’t have a screen or display to indicate which song is playing, and it simple plays each song at random – hence the name “Shuffle”.

  • iPod Nano

    The sleek Nano is what I have, and it ranges in storage size from 1 GB to 8 GB – enough to store about 2000 songs. Apple just redesigned it with a 1.5-inch color display that’s 40% brighter than before (and it was already great before).

    One thing I like about the Nano is that it doesn’t have any moving parts. It’s great for working out with and I never have to worry about it skipping.

    There are also tons of add-on gizmos you can buy for the Nano, such as the landyard headphones or the armband for working out. You can even get an FM-transmitter attachment if you want to listen to the radio on your Nano (hey, ya never know).

  • iPod Video

    This is what my friend ended up getting for his birthday, and at my recommendation too.

    It’s about twice the size of the Nano, but still just right. It comes in 30GB and 80GB sizes for up to a whopping 20,000 songs! He has the entire Battlestar Galactica first season series loaded on it, along with ALL of his music, and he still has plenty of room left for more.

    Oh, and don’t worry about whether your husband will ever actually watch videos on it. The fact that he can is what makes it such a great gift, and the show-off cool factor is out of this world :cool:. (it turns out the video is good quality and fun to watch too)