Answer: I’m sorry to be the one to break the bad news to you, but you’ve actually sent your money to the very malware program that you were trying to remove from your system. You’re not alone either – this is an extremely manipulative and invasive infection that convinces a lot of people to send in their money in hopes of getting rid of MalwareAlarm, only to find that they’ve been swindled.
The good news is that you can effectively get rid of MalwareAlarm from your system using a couple programs that have proven to completely remove Malware Alarm. Read on to learn more about MalwareAlarm and the programs that will remove malware from your computer, and that will also prevent malware from infecting your system in the future.
MalwareAlarm is a program that falsely claims to be an anti-spyware application that will scan for and remove spyware from users’ computers. It attempts to trick or pressure users into purchasing the program by presenting the user with intrusive, deceptive warnings and/or false, misleading scan results.

Question: I have paid for the full version of Malware Alarm, but now I can’t find the software on my PC. I paid $40 for it – can I use it or get my money back?
Answer: I’m sorry to be the one to break the bad news to you, but you’ve actually sent your money to the very malware program that you were trying to remove from your system. You’re not alone either – this is an extremely manipulative and invasive infection that convinces a lot of people to send in their money in hopes of getting rid of MalwareAlarm, only to find that they’ve been swindled.
The good news is that you can effectively get rid of MalwareAlarm from your system using a couple programs that have proven to completely remove Malware Alarm. Read on to learn more about MalwareAlarm and the programs that will remove malware from your computer, and that will also prevent malware from infecting your system in the future.
MalwareAlarm is a program that falsely claims to be an anti-spyware application that will scan for and remove spyware from users’ computers. It attempts to trick or pressure users into purchasing the program by presenting the user with intrusive, deceptive warnings and/or false, misleading scan results.

MalwareAlarm may be downloaded and installed without user consent, just by visiting sites that have been intentionally or unintentionally infected with the malware installation script. MalwareAlarm hijacks the user’s destop and typically displays exaggerated or false claims of spyware found, with the intent of frightening the user into paying for the program.
READER BEWARE: Do NOT pay money for MalwareAlarm! It’s the exact same program that has infected your system in the first place, that is now trying to scam you out of your money.
I speak from personal experience with MalwareAlarm that it can be extremely annoying when you’ve been infected with it. You’ll get prompted left and right with flashing warning messages, claiming that your system has been infected and please click to buy the removal program.
MalwareAlarm is not only annoying, but it can cause you to lose work that you’ve spent a lot of time on. Often the prompts will be displayed when you submit a web page or are saving a blog post that you’ve spent a lot of time on (again, speaking from personal experience).
What to do if you’ve been infected with MalwareAlarm:
There are two programs that I’ve found will effectively and consistently remove MalwareAlarm: Spyware Doctor and Panda Internet Security.
Spyware Doctor will give you a free system scan before you purchase it, to confirm that you really have MalwareAlarm. In most cases you’ll also be surprised at the number of other threats that it will find – literally hundreds of spyware, malware, and trojan infections were found on my home and work computers before running Spyware Doctor.
If you need to quickly get rid of MalwareAlarm from your system, then I recommend that you get a copy of Spyware Doctor. It really does work, and will quickly get your system back to normal.

I’ve written a detailed article covering how to use Spyware Doctor to remove Malware Alarm from your system, including screen shots that I took while it cleaned my own computers. These were computers that had Norton installed on one, and McAfee on the other, and MalwareAlarm breezed right past both of those programs. Fortunately Spyware Doctor that was able to clean my system and do what Norton and McAfee failed to do.
Panda Internet Security also works extremely well agaist MalwareAlarm and has a trial version that you can download. Panda is a more full-featured security protection program than Spyware Doctor but also costs a little more money (you get what you pay for though). Panda automatically watches your system for infections and keeps them from even installing in the first place. I even tried to directly install MalwareAlarm to see if Panda would catch it, and it wouldn’t even let me install it (perfect for scenarios where my kids might accidentally click an “Install” button).
Panda comes with a host of other features that protect your system from every possible type of intrusion (including attempts from neighbors to hijack your wireless connection, web site content filtering for your kids, and the strongest virus protection available on the market – stronger than Norton and McAfee, which I’ve proven in another article here).
If you’re looking for ongoing protection from MalwareAlarm as well as a state-of-the-art full security protection program for computers that your family will be using, then I recommend Panda Internet Security.
I have Panda installed on both of my home computers because my kids use them, and it automatically blocks web sites that have adult-related content, or content that would be questionable for young children. It has a few levels of filtering, so I can relax the controls as my kids get older and are able to make their own decisions about which web sites are appropriate to visit.
I hope you find this article helpful in removing MalwareAlarm and other threats from your system.
How do I cancel spyware?
I read your story and I am concerned. The spyware did pop up. Will
malware harm my computer? If so, how do I cancel ?
Malware can indeed harm your
Malware can indeed harm your computer by giving attackers full access to your file system, making expensive dialer phone calls using your computer, intercepting sensitive information that you type in your web browser (account info, etc). It also just plain gets in the way, where it won’t let you use your web browser until you get rid of the problem.
They’ll of course try to get your to buy “their solution”, which is a joke because they’re the ones who caused it in the first place, and you will of course lose your money.
The only ways I’ve found to cancel it is to use a reputable spyware remover program like Spyware Doctor, which does a great job of removing the problem, or Panda Internet Security that also immediately removes it and then keeps infections from happening in the future.
malware alarm
I to was infected.The same exact thing.could malware alarm be a good product?Just hijacked?Or is it a absolut total scam that I paid exstorsion to.The company says they will fix my computer by installing a new version.They asked me not to contack my credit card company,because it will hurt my credit.I said nothing of a refund.Very suspitous Thanks Mark
MalwareAlarm is an absolute
MalwareAlarm is an absolute scam unfortunately.
You should contact your credit card company immediately to report the fraud.
malwarealarm is fake
I am in the same boat with you I wish that we could do something bout this, because I just gave my money (for MalwareAlarm) also I should have research but I regret that I didn’t. they took over 83 dollars from me .
Malware hoax
It worked fine at first but then disappeared taking with it my £75.00 I had paid.