To view photos and videos that your friends have liked, tap the News button (looks like a heart) at the bottom of the screen.
Then tap “Following” at the top of that screen.

This will show you all of your follower’s activity, including the photos and videos they liked.

This gives you an easy way to see what your friends are liking on Instagram, or to keep tabs on their activity.
is there a way to see the
is there a way to see the activity from a week ago? I can only see 12 hours?
The post doesn’t mention that
The post doesn’t mention that the feed of your followers likes only goes for a few hours. How can I see their likes from yesterday?
Yeah! I was wondering the
Yeah! I was wondering the same thing! ^^^ as them 🙂 Is there an app that can do that? Or even just to get notifications when someone likes a picture or other activity? I know you can set it to see a profiles posts first or whatever but, what about their activity that would already be shown.. But only for like 20 minutes. Is there a way to get a notification for that? Or even be able to see their activity from hours or days previously. Hah WOW I sound like a stalker.. Haha but if I am interested .. Then some creepers have probably figured out a way to do this, right?
Hey bro i have the same
Hey bro i have the same problem, any solutions?
I’ve been able to see the
I’ve been able to see the activities of one particular friend. But for some reason it has stopped to show on the Following tab for a while now. What can the reason be? Do you know what I can do to see his activity again?
why i can not see the pics an
why i can not see the pics an specific friend has liked if i go on the “following” tab?
since a week ago… i used to see what pics my friend liked if i go to “following” tab…. but now since a week ago, i can see he likes my pics but i can not see the other pics he has liked. what has happened?
I would recommend one more
I would recommend one more way to see an Instagram user’s activity. There is the tool Snoopreport that monitors user’s likes, comments and follows. You just need to enter an username in the dashboard and set a monitoring time and in a week you’ll get a report with a list of actions of the monitored user.