Twitter is a free service that lets you communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?
I call it “IM for the world”, because it lets you post status updates (tweets) that anyone can reply to. People can also choose to follow you, which makes your tweets show up on their Twitter page.
Facebook is another free service that helps you connect and share with the people in your life, but provides a lot more features than Twitter. You can upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people you meet.
Facebook lets you post status updates just like Twitter, and you can link Twitter with Facebook so that your Twitter tweets show up automatically in Facebook (saving you the trouble of having to update your status in 2 different places).
Here’s how to link Twitter with Facebook in 5 easy steps:
1. Find the Twitter application in Facebook
Click the “Applications” link in the lower left of your Facebook homepage, and then click “Find More” in the popup menu.

You’ll see a list of free applications that provide additional functionality to your Facebook account, and Twitter should be listed near the top.

If it’s not listed at the top, then enter “Twitter” in the Search Applications field near the top right of your Facebook Applications page.
2. Select the Twitter application
Click the Twitter image to select the application, and then click “Go to Application“.

3. Allow Twitter to access your Facebook account
Click “Allow” to let Twitter pull your Facebook profile information and other content that it requires in order to work.

4. Enter your Twitter account login

5. Allow Twitter to update your Facebook Status

Click “Allow Twitter to update your Facebook Status” and then “Allow Status Updates” to confirm your choice.

Your Twitter account will now be linked with your Facebook account, and your tweets will show up as Facebook status updates each time you post them.
Ricky, this is great! I love it when an educator writes instructions. Easy to follow!
Thanks for stopping by, Gia!
Thanks for stopping by, Gia! 🙂
Twitter and Facebook
A very informative article. This raises one additional question however.
If you wish to do so, how do you unlink Twitter from Facebook?
To remove the
To remove the Twitter-Facebook link, just go back into your Facebook applications, find the Twitter app (Step 1 above) and click “Remove this Application”.
Framing Tweets
Is there a way to “Frame” your tweets before they are displayed in facebook so it reads a bit better. e.g “Vinnie says I just went to the shop” as opposed to how it is now “Vinnie I just went to the shop”
Great post
Hi. Thanks for sharing. I think the facebook UI has changed but the steps helped me find the way to link my twitter account with facebook.
And can you do the reverse?
And can you do the reverse? Make Facebook status updates automatically appear on twitter?
fb to twitter?
I would like to know about this too. From what I’ve seen in just the last few minutes of looking, fb doesn’t allow this. Is that right?
Twitter & Facebook
If you have more than one twitter account posting to your facebook… How do you get rid of the one you dont want to post anymore? Do you really have to remove all twitter connections for a while and then try to relink it? Will they both link again?
I can’t sign up my twitter
I can’t sign up my twitter account on facebook. When the blue box appear to put my username and password a massage tell that something went wrong, but i did try it with 3 differets accounts and it failed.
Could you help me?
I have the same problem as
I have the same problem as well. “Invalid Credentials” It has happened to me for a week or two. I hope there is a fix?
Linking Twitter and Facebook
Thank you so much for your help! It was easy to do thanks to your wonderful directions. You’re a Rock Star!
It looks really cool. 🙂 I
It looks really cool. 🙂 I have added my twitter account with Facebook and its really looking amazing. Thanks for your help . 😀