Outlook won’t start on my Mac

This morning my Macbook crashed for some reason, and after booting it back up I noticed Outlook wouldn't start. It would flash the start up logo and then go away. Frustrating! It turns out the fix is very straight forward. Simply hold down the "Alt" key while clicking the Outlook application icon. The Microsoft Database Utility dialog will open and…

Bluetooth web surfing with a Blackberry Storm?

Question: I’m considering the new, WiFi challenged, Blackberry Storm. Being that 3G is somewhat weak at home, I would like to know if it is possible to pair the bluetooth equipped Storm to my Internet connected PC and then surf the Web from the Storm via the PCs high speed connection?

Answer: (this question is waiting for an answer. If you know the answer, please feel free to use the comment form below and be sure to leave your name and a link to your website, so I can give you credit for your answer)