How do I email a personalized newsletter?
How to send personalized newsletters to multiple contacts.
Answers and advice from a geek who knows stuff
How to send personalized newsletters to multiple contacts.
How do i find the files for itunes on a macbook air to transfer to a memory card, to use in a blackberry curve?
You can copy recorded shows from your Comcast DVR to a Windows XP computer fairly easily using a FireWire cable, a few software drivers, and a free video streaming program.
Question: I just bought my two daughters Ipod Touch 2nd Gen for Christmas. They are 10 and 12 yrs old and a bit more technology savvy than I when it comes to handhelds. I am concerned about security. I want to filter their internet on the Touch, but I guess it’s not really easy because Apple seems to have missed this, other than shutting off their access all together.
Do you know any solutions? I have a wireless network in my home and the girls desktop computers are running Panda and PC Tattletale as per your recommendation. I want to give them internet access, but want to filter the objectionable content out. Just call me “Parentally Cautious”. Thanks for any input!
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How to recover deleted file from memory stick?
how to recover deleted itune songs?
Sould I install spyware doctor on my pc?
how do i connect my bluetooth cell phone with my blue tooth computer?
Question: Suppose we have a networking in a LAB and i have total rights over all other systems on the LAN. Now how to change the wallpaper of the system which is there on the LAN???
Answer: This question has been heroically rescued from the Open Questions forum by Greg Woosley. You can view his reply below, and stop by his website at for some useful tips on “tricky geek things he’s figured out once and doesn’t want to figure out again later”.
Here’s how to transfer contacts from your old Blackberry to your new iPhone, and without buying anything extra along the way (completely free solution).