Videocasting tools for teachers and educators

Question: I’d like to put together some training videos for teachers in my district. It’s just too hard to get everyone together in the same building, and too expensive to arrange travel for everyone in the current economy.

What tools are available for recording videos or facilitating online training sessions?

Answer: (this question is waiting for an answer. If you know the answer, please feel free to use the comment form below and be sure to leave your name and a link to your website, so I can give you credit for your answer)

Transfer files wirelessly from one Mac to another using Airdrop

Macs have a built-in way of letting you transfer files from one Mac to another using Airdrop over a wireless network connection. According to Apple: "AirDrop lets you quickly send files, clippings, webpages, and more to anyone near you—wirelessly. AirDrop doesn’t require passwords, setup, or special settings. It makes sharing with neighbors as simple as dragging and dropping." I tried…