Can I turn my old iPhone 3G into a pre-paid phone?
How to convert the iPhone 3G into a pre-paid iPhone, using regular-sized sim cards that you can find in pay-as-you-go phones, like AT&T’s GoPhone.
Answers and advice from a geek who knows stuff
How to convert the iPhone 3G into a pre-paid iPhone, using regular-sized sim cards that you can find in pay-as-you-go phones, like AT&T’s GoPhone.
Easy steps for customizing your Blackberry email signature, or removing it altogether.
How to tether your cell phone to your laptop for on-the-go Internet access.
I’d like to capture screenshots of my iPhone – is there a way to do this?
How to disable Windows Live Messenger so it doesn’t automatically run when Windows starts up.
Question: My wife doesn’t like my iTunes playlist and she is always complaining about the music I listen to. We share a computer. Is there any way I can hide my music list or restrict her from accessing it?
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Answer: I had this problem a while back with my Blackberry Curve, and the solution was to resend the service books – something you can do from your Blackberry using it’s built-in web browser, or from another computer using Internet Explorer or similar web browser.
Open the Blackberry website ( for AT&T users) and log in with your blackberry account info. Click the “Service Books” link and then click the “Send Service Books” button.
If you are experiencing difficulties sending or receiving email from your BlackBerry device, sending service books to your device will usually take care of the problem.
“NO AC” means your sprinkler system is not getting power and is running on it’s backup battery. Here’s how to check and fix this problem.
Have you ever seen a picture that you really liked while browsing the web, and wanted to set it as your Windows wallpaper? This article will explain exactly how to do this and where the file is saved.