Transfer pictures from a Blackberry phone to your computer
How to copy photos and videos from your Blackberry to your computer, or from your computer to your Blackberry.
Answers and advice from a geek who knows stuff
How to copy photos and videos from your Blackberry to your computer, or from your computer to your Blackberry.
Question: Is there a way to get a wifi signal to your itouch from either your cell phone or connect an aircard to the touch?
I try to also spend a little time each day answering questions on Yahoo! Answers, and often refer back to articles I’ve posted on for more detailed information or reference material.
Members on the Yahoo! Answer site are encouraged to rate other member’s answers, and it’s always fun to receive the “Best Answer” rating (and is worth 10 points towards your user status level on the site).
Yahoo sends me an email with a link to the question and answer:
Here’s a list of the Yahoo! Answers that have been rated best answers over the last few months. Hope you find some of them useful as well!
How to recover deleted file from memory stick?
how to recover deleted itune songs?
Sould I install spyware doctor on my pc?
how do i connect my bluetooth cell phone with my blue tooth computer?
Question: I have a few DVD movies that I’d like to copy for backup purposes, and would also like to view them on my laptop when I go on business trips. The software that came with my laptop isn’t able to do it though – it says the DVDs are copy-protected. Is there an easy way to do this?
Follow these easy steps to copy songs into iTunes and then load the songs onto your iPod or iPhone.
Question: Suppose we have a networking in a LAB and i have total rights over all other systems on the LAN. Now how to change the wallpaper of the system which is there on the LAN???
Answer: This question has been heroically rescued from the Open Questions forum by Greg Woosley. You can view his reply below, and stop by his website at for some useful tips on “tricky geek things he’s figured out once and doesn’t want to figure out again later”.
Backups are one of those things that I keep meaning to do, and now that I’m traveling once or twice a month as an instructor, I decided recently that it was time to implement a solid backup plan.
While Apple’s iPhone is an amazing piece of technology, sometimes the battery life just doesn’t quite live up to expectations. Improving the battery life is actually easy to do by following these 5 steps.
Here’s how to transfer contacts from your old Blackberry to your new iPhone, and without buying anything extra along the way (completely free solution).