The Mac keyboard is loaded with shortcuts for everything from a Euro symbol or Copyright symbol, to handy functions like copy/paste or even opening applications.

The Mac keyboard is loaded with shortcuts for everything from a Euro symbol or Copyright symbol, to handy functions like copy/paste or even opening applications.

I’ll start with the Option shortcut keys:

Symbol Description Symbol Option Key Combination
Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡ Option + 1
Trademark Option + 2
Pound Sterling Symbol £ Option + 3
Cent Symbol ¢ Option + 4
Infinity Option + 5
Section Sign § Option + 6
Paragraph or Pilcrow sign Option + 7
Bullet Option + 8
Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª Option + 9
Masculine Ordinal Indicator º Option + 0

Adding the shift key to the mix gives us a few more:

Symbol Description Symbol Option Key Combination
Slash or Forward Slash or Right Slash Option + Shift + 1
Euro Symbol Option + Shift + 2
Single Left Angle Quotation Mark Option + Shift + 3
Single Right Angle Quotation Mark Option + Shift + 4
Latin Small Ligature FI Option + Shift + 5
Latin Small Ligature FL Option + Shift + 6
Doble Dagger Option + Shift + 7
Degree ° Option + Shift + 8
Dot Center · Option + Shift + 9
Comma Option + Shift + 0

Let’s not forget the letter keyboard shortcuts either:

Symbol Description Symbol Option Key Combination
Latin Lowercase A with Ring Above å Option + a
Integral Symbol Option + b
Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla ç Option + c
Partial Differential Option + d
Acute Accent ´ Option + e
Latin Small Letter f with Hook or Florin Symbol or Function ƒ Option + f
Copyright © Option + g
Superscript Dot or Dot Above ˙ Option + h
Circumflex ˆ Option + i
Triangle or Increment Option + j
Ring Above ˚ Option + k
Not Sign ¬ Option + l
Micron or Micro Sign µ Option + m
Small Tilde ˜ Option + n
Latin Small Letter O with Stroke ø Option + o
Greek Small Letter Pi π Option + p
Latin Small Ligature OE œ Option + q
Registered ® Option + r
Latin Small Letter Sharp S or German Eszett (Scharfes S) ß Option + s
Dagger or Plus or Cross Option + t
Diaeresis ¨ Option + u
Square Root Math Symbol Option + v
Sigma or Sum or N-ary Summation Option + w
Approximate or Almost Equal to Option + x
Japanese Yen Symbol ¥ Option + y
Ohm or Greek Capital Letter Omega Ω Option + z

Combining the Option key with a Shift key and letters also gives us some useful results:

Symbol Description Symbol Option Key Combination
Latin Uppercase A with Ring Above Å Option + Shift + a
Latin Small Letter Dotless I ı Option + Shift + b
Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla Ç Option + Shift + c
Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex Î Option + Shift + d
Acute Accent ´ Option + Shift + e
Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis Ï Option + Shift + f
Double Acute Accent ˝ Option + Shift + g
Latin Capital Letter O with Acute Ó Option + Shift + h
Circumflex ˆ Option + Shift + i
Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex Ô Option + Shift + j
Apple Logo Symbol Option + Shift + k
Latin Capital Letter O with Grave Ò Option + Shift + l
Latin Capital A with Circumflex  Option + Shift + m
Small Tilde ˜ Option + Shift + n
Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke Ø Option + Shift + o
N-ary product Symbol Option + Shift + p
Latin Capital Ligature OE ΠOption + Shift + q
Per Mille Sign Option + Shift + r
Latin Capital Letter I with Acute Í Option + Shift + s
Caron or háček or Wedge or Inverted Circumflex or Inverted Hat ˇ Option + Shift + t
Diaeresis ¨ Option + Shift + u
Diamond or Lozenge Option + Shift + v
Double Quote Option + Shift + w
Ogonek ˛ Option + Shift + x
Latin Capital A with Acute Á Option + Shift + y
Cedilla ¸ Option + Shift + z

And a few remaining shortcut keys that are neither numbers or letters:

Symbol Description Symbol Option Key Combination
Lesser than or Equal to Option + ,
Horizontal Ellipsis Option + ;
Greater than or Equal to Option + .
Latin Small Letter æ æ Option + ‘
Left Double Quote Option + [
Apostrophe or Left Single Quote Option + ]
Divided by or Division Sign ÷ Option + /
Double Left Angle Quotation Mark « Option + \
Not Equal to Option + =
Macron ¯ Option + Shift + ,
Latin Capital Letter U with Acute Ú Option + Shift + ;
Breve ˘ Option + Shift + .
Latin Capital Letter Æ Æ Option + Shift + ‘
Right Double Quote Option + Shift + [
Right Single Quote Option + Shift + ]
Inverted Question Mark ¿ Option + Shift + /
Double Right Angle Quotation Mark » Option + Shift + \
Plus or Minus ± Option + Shift + =

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    What about Windows/PC

    What about Windows/PC keyboard shortcuts?

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